Engaging Instagram Post Ideas for Virtual Assistants

Are you a virtual assistant looking to boost your online presence and attract more clients?


As a busy virtual assistant you might sometimes struggle to find a balance between working on client projects, building your own business and getting new clients.


The great thing about Instagram is you can use it as a portfolio for sharing with potential clients, a way to build trust with potential clients, and also as a way of attracting new clients.


When I offered virtual assistant services early on in my business, I had clients approach me on LinkedIn and Instagram, after having seen my Instagram feed.


More recently I have used Instagram as a way to find service providers to outsource specific tasks to. 


My experience as both a virtual assistant and as someone looking to hire people has formed the basis of all the creative ideas I’ve come up with to help you come up with what content to post on social media. 


The goal of this post is to help you grow an engaged audience and attract prospective clients on Instagram. From behind-the-scenes content to client testimonials, I’ve highlighted some great ways you can showcase your virtual assistant business.


With post ideas perfect for VAs and other freelance service providers you’ll come away with a whole host of content ideas.

Why Use Instagram for your Virtual Assistant Business?

Instagram offers a powerful platform for virtual assistant businesses to showcase their services, build brand identity, and engage with a wider audience.


You can create captivating and magnetic social media content in a variety of formats such as stories, reels, static and carousel posts. 


You also have the opportunity to collaborate with influencers and other small business owners to help further expand your reach and credibility, showcasing your expertise to a broader audience on Instagram.


Plus, through targeted advertising and audience insights, you can tailor your marketing strategy to reach specific demographics, increasing the effectiveness of your content.


However, before you start posting, it’s really important to create a content strategy that aligns with your business goals and  target audience. This ensures you are using Instagram in the best possible way to market your virtual assistant business.

Types of Content Virtual Assistants Can Share on Instagram

When it comes to showcasing your virtual assistant business on Instagram, you’ve got lots of content options to amp up your audience engagement and highlight your skills, creativity and expertise.


Here are some content types:


  • Educational posts for sharing tips, tricks, and industry insights that provide value to your audience.
  • Essential virtual assistant info such as services, case studies, testimonials and FAQs to build your trust and credibility.
  • Entertaining posts such as inspiration quotes and relatable humour.
  • About you and personal posts such as your business journey and behind-the-scenes content can give your followers a glimpse into your life as a virtual assistant.

Let’s explore these in more detail…

Virtual Assistant Instagram Post Ideas

Educational Posts

Sharing educational content on Instagram can really help with establishing you as the go-to expert in your industry. Share your insights, technical knowledge, offer tutorials, and share plenty of actionable tips for your followers.

image of three Instagram post designs

Reasons to Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

One type of post I often see missing from Virtual Assistants’ social media feeds is content about the benefits and reasons why people should hire a VA.


To effectively get clients from social media, regularly share when and why businesses or individuals should hire you; this could give you an advantage over those that don’t.


For example, you could highlight several different benefits including increased productivity, saving your clients time, improving work-life balance and having access to a skilled professional on a flexible basis.

Helpful Advice

Offering tips, tricks and how-to guides on things like productivity and time management on Instagram positions your virtual assistant business as a valuable resource, providing actionable insights to your audience (which they will love you for btw).

Here is a list of tips you could provide your own insights on:


Time management tips: Offer strategies for effectively managing time, prioritizing tasks, and staying organized.


Productivity hacks: Share tips on how to boost productivity, such as setting SMART goals, using productivity tools, and minimizing distractions.


Communication skills: Provide advice on effective communication techniques, including email etiquette, remote collaboration tips, written communication skills and presentation skills.


Remote work best practices: Share tips for remote working, including creating a conducive workspace, establishing boundaries, working from home and managing remote teams.


Content creation tips: Provide guidance on creating engaging content for social media, blogs, newsletters, and other marketing channels.


Networking advice: Share tips on how to network effectively, build relationships with other professionals in the industry, and leverage networking opportunities.


Work-life balance tips: Offer tips on maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life, including setting boundaries, scheduling leisure activities, and practicing mindfulness and self-care routines to avoid burnout.

General Business Informational Posts

These types of posts are for sharing information about your availability, how to contact you, the types of clients you work with, your values as a business, your achievements, the resources you offer as well as typical client results that people can expect when working with you.

Virtual Assistant Services Promo Posts

Highlighting the services offered by your virtual assistant business on Instagram helps potential clients understand your capabilities, expertise, and the value you could bring to their projects.

Client Testimonials

If done right, testimonial posts can be super engaging and not at all boring! 


Plus I think it’s important to share your testimonials on occasion. Sharing your client’s feedback on Instagram provides social proof of your virtual assistant services, building credibility, trust, and reinforcing the dependability of your business.

Client Results

Sharing before and after results of your services showcases the transformative impact of your work, demonstrates your expertise, and provides tangible evidence of the value you deliver to clients.


When sharing your clients’ success stories, be sure to make it so that other people can see that your services would work for them too. After all, the main reason for sharing client results is to encourage people in your audience to get in touch with you and enquire about working with you.

Q&A Posts

I know it may seem daunting but hosting Q&A sessions on Instagram is a really great way to engage with your audience, address their queries and showcase your expertise.


It can be as simple as sharing the question sticker on one of your stories. You can really get creative and make your Q&A sessions visually engaging through creative graphics and interactive polls. 


By doing this you’ll also get to learn as much from your audience as they will from you. As you’ll gain valuable insights into the problems or concerns your potential clients may have.

FAQ Posts

Turn the questions you get asked into FAQs and share your answers in your Instagram posts.


By addressing your common questions and concerns, you can showcase your expertise and professionalism, building that all important trust with your audience.


Here are some great examples of FAQs you could share your answers for:


  • What types of tasks can I outsource to you as a virtual assistant?
  • How do I know if I need a virtual assistant?
  • How can I find the right virtual assistant for my needs?
  • What are the advantages of working with a virtual assistant compared to hiring in-house staff?
  • How do you handle client confidentiality and data security?
  • What is the typical process for working with a virtual assistant?
  • What are some common misconceptions about virtual assistants?

About You Posts

About you or more personal types of content include posts covering your unique journey, your favorite things, your lifestyle, interesting info about you and behind-the-scenes content.

Three virtual assistant about me my story example post designs

Your Story

Share your experiences, business journey so far and your personality so that your audience feels they are getting to know the real you.


Here are some prompts to inspire you:


  • Share the story of how and why you became a virtual assistant. How has your path evolved over time?
  • Dive into the why behind your work. What fuels your passion for helping your clients?
  • Explain how you embrace the ever-changing landscape of tasks and challenges? Share your experiences of adapting and thriving in diverse situations.
  • Share some of the challenges you’ve encountered on your journey. How have they shaped you into a better virtual assistant?

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Sharing behind-the-scenes content on Instagram offers your audience a glimpse into the daily operations of your virtual assistant business. It provides insight into your work ethic, time management skills, and the behind-the-scenes aspects of your professional life.


For example, do you work from home with cute color co-ordinating stationary – or do you work anywhere with an internet connection whilst travelling the world?

Engaging and Entertaining Content Ideas

One of the marketing mistakes I see virtual assistants make is not sharing any engaging content.


Engaging posts can feature things like inspiring quotes, memes and other amusing or relatable content. They form an important part of your content mix to for sharing on Instagram as a virtual assistant.

Relatable Content

Sharing relatable content that resonates with your ideal clients can help you content and start relationships with people, increase engagement, showcase your personality, build brand awareness and most importantly – stand out from other virtual assistants.


However, remember that these should be relatable for your ideal client and not other VA’s – so try to avoid content that bemoans ‘nightmare’ clients.

Inspirational Quotes

Sharing inspirational quotes on your feed can boost positive engagement, and align with your virtual assistant business’s brand values and messaging.


Here are some example quotes about outsourcing, productivity and organization that you could share:


“Do what you do best and outsource the rest.” – Peter Drucker


“The real power of outsourcing going forward is that it increases an organization’s core capacity for change and growth.” – Michael Corbett


“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer


“You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” – Charles Buxton

Key Takeaways

  • Having a presence on Instagram is a trust factor for clients.
  • Mix up the type of content that you share for best results. 
  • Experiment and see what your audience responds to the most.
  • Post a variety of content consistently and attract new clients!

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Helen Garfield
Helen Garfield

Helen Garfield is the founder of The Creatives Desk. She has worked in social media and digital marketing since 2010. Helen channels her passion for design and creativity to develop marketing templates and digital products that help small business owners create compelling content to drive growth in their online presence.